Culture is your company’s
greatest asset.
Or liability.
We work with culture to bring your people together and move your business forward.
Want to bridge communication gaps with international partners? Clarify your company’s culture? Or increase productivity in multicultural teams? Mind Your Culture specializes in transformational programs that leverage the power of diversity and shared purpose to turn cultural challenges into your company’s greatest asset.
Did you know:
of workers who voluntarily leave their jobs do so because of their bosses and not the position, the role itself or the company.
— Gallup
of international ventures fail due to cultural differences.
of employees say company culture is more important than salary when it comes to job satisfaction.
— Glassdoor
Mind Your Culture works with leaders and organizations to leverage the power of culture in three distinct ways:

Leadership Culture Programs
Customized individual and group coaching programs for maximizing effectiveness in top performers and cultivating potential in rising stars.
Talk to us when:
- Employee turnover is high, and engagement is low
- Communications are breaking down
- Leaders aren’t as effective as expected
- The current company culture is counterproductive
- You want to increase innovation and agility
- Expat assignments are planned or redirected
- There are major changes in the company structure
- You want a powerful competitive advantage
Multi-cultural teams underperform
Cultural misunderstandings interfere with collaboration
Mind Your Culture has partnered with many national and international organizations and institutions including: